
Showing posts from 2015

The Perfect Eyebrows On A Monday Morning

Disclaimer: I am not about to give make up tutorials. I am here to write about my musings as a young lady in this very world, where work wears you out and rest is very scarce. The perfect brows might not just be on a monday morning but every morning. So I saw the beautiful girl again on my way to work this morning and many other mornings with a perfect eye brows, I mean well carved, filled, highlighted and defined brows, of course her whole face was always on fleek but the eyebrows caught my attention (Be sure that is one of the first things I notice on your face dear girl-friends). I began to wonder how does she do it? at 7a.m in the morning! for me it is only luck that will make me apply 'common' powder on my face at that time in the morning, I ponder on the process of such make up and the time she would have spent on doing that, it would take a minimum time of 30 minutes to get a perfect face like that, do you know how much time that it in sleep-land?? Extra 30miutes wi

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People??

Hey Lovelies, I know it has been a really long while, no excuse all I can say is I'm sorry. So I got this inspiration to write this post, please remember the fun me, read and enjoy. A loud bang on the head left side of my head, the first few seconds I didn't feel anything, just the echo of the bang and then slowly it came, the pain, such blinding pain that I couldn't even pretend not to feel, a very loud wail came from the depth of my inside (it shocked even me) that must have caught the attention of the scores of people that looked my way and sudden pity of the few that actually helped me. Then the questions came: Who did I offend? What did I do wrong?  Lord why me?? All this happened under the bridge of Iyana Ipaja (a place I have been for years). What I was doing there? Thanks for asking........ I was coming from a long time friend's wedding and as a Lagos girl (wey no sabi road) I was helped by another sweet friend to Iyana Ipaja and was left alone abruptly bec

Where Do You Belong?

So let's get back to us......... I saw Deborah and she gave me a crushing hug asking; where have u been? I missed u, nobody to shout with me!  Then Jessica enters and we exchanged pleasantries. I could Bankole swelling with pride wanting to shout, I seat with these beautiful girls!!! This experience y'day made me realise that whether we like it or not, we all wanna belong somewhere and most especially with someone. I know most people pride themselves about being a one man soldier but these one men soldiers cannot deny the tiny pleasure they feel when someone actually knows their name or brighten up to their smiles. Now whether it's a big clique or a small circle of friends, whether it's with that special person or a congregation of people who recognises you or a stranger who shows interest in knowing them better, the gospel truth is that all wanna belong somewhere. My question is where would you like to belong? Find that place and make that place your haven, let it

Pause on The Journey....

So I was advised to write my fiction The Journey properly, like get an editor and all that formality. So I will pause on that and wait to complete it then I dish it out in correct doses.  Meanwhile let's get back to being us. I miss you guys and I'm plenty sorry for the delays.  Please don't lose hope just yet, work has been hectic. I love you all

The Journey contd......And Hassana Worked

And work she did... as easy as it is to be her twin, she admits to the jitters and nerves The stage was set, she could hear the director say action! "Jane, where is my sister?" "she just stepped out, she is not very pleased with you ma" Jane replied in that throaty voice of hers, confirming her loyality to Hassana "Very well then, we just have to carry on without her" A nod was what she got in reply, if only the poor girl knew She entered the room with confidence and she stepped into the role "Gentlemen and ladies, I apologize for my lateness, we all live in Lagos and you will agree with me that these roads are not enough for the 15million people residing in lagos".... Nice! "it's okay, carry on" the Tinubu-wannabe said, she decided right then she will never like this man "As you would have read in the guide given to you, Colors Limited is a company larger than life" and on and on she went forgetting she was actin

The Journey...... Contd

And boy did she laugh..... she laughed because she couldn't comprehend this funny idea in her head, she called Hussena for the last time and still no response so she did what she had to do                                                         ################ Hussena was running late, very she must admit but quite frankly she can never tell what causes her serial tardiness, she always has her day mapped out for goodness sake but something MUST happen to her. Today she was ready for this 'great meeting' and somehow her chubby 2yr old decided it was mummy time and her phone will be the toy of choice this morning and he did toy with it in water! Hassanna is going to freak out because she has been on her case to get another phone to support this one. The nanny called in that she will be late because "the hold up plenty madam, walahi" and that was before Habeeb decided to bath her phone in water.......... she really has to be calm.                           

The Journey Contd: What did Hussena do?

************* She froze...... she must have mis-calculated, now how is she going to stand this embarrassment especially since she knows this man was going to flog her and she must cry as Ladi will see her as a sissy and her threshold for pain is very very low.       "why are you late for my class?" Mr Ikuomola demanded       "I had to take my younger brother to the hospital, he broke his arm" Hussena was stunned at how smooth the lie was and proud of the fact that she can think on her feet, she shot Hassanna the look of death daring her to contradict this     "Is that true Hassana?"  Hassana was very furious with her twin who would always find a way of humiliating her "ye...yes sir" she stuttered thinking of how Hussena will pay for this lie she made her tell "alright then, get to your seat and do not come late to my class again. Tell your parents school time especially my period is not for errands"  Hussena thanked her luck

The Journey

************ Hassana entered into the class, her head bowed low as always as she took to her seat with the calculated moves, she knew how the class was even in darkness, she knew whose chair most especially to avoid, siting down has never been such a relief for her because she knew who was coming in soon, taking her own calculated steps and knows whose chairs she definitely must pass by. "How can someone look so much like me and yet be totally different? why can't I walk into the class and be noticed? I mean Hussena is my twin for heaven's sake, we look so much alike that we are practically the same person!" all these questions she couldn't find answers to particularly because Bimpe the only soul who understood her in the world has chosen the wrong day to come late to school. AAAArh!                                                                              ----  Hussena has always and will always be late, she doesn't understand for the life of her wh

Ajayi Aisha Presents - The Journey!!

Hey Lovers it is a long time coming, I am so happy and elated about this idea. I have always known I would write fiction but I did not know it was going to be this fast but I'm grateful though, the inspiration of this story is from God, friends and a special someone. They push me to the limit and I just want to be better for them especially the latter. The journey will be a story about Self confidence, respect and esteem. it charcterises two sisters born on the same day but seem world apart. I am super excited because I know I will not disappoint you. So join me on this trip as I bring to you "THE JOURNEY" with it's main characters as Hassana and Hussena, watch out to read the plots, twists and all the drama. Please help make this journey an interesting one has I really need your support, this is will be my first written fiction and I admit I cannot do it alone. Read, Comment and like. I Love You all. Ps: I am still sorting out Images so as to make this fun, ple

The Journey

Help me to help others, your comments are to be the guidelines, corrections and encouragement. Thanks

Live In The Moment

When an uncle said to me "Aisha You need to live in the moment" I was so confused as I did not understand what he meant, He further explained that I was always hurrying, rushing to find something or worse someone to complete me, he also said people like me never really enjoy life that we are always running for pillar to post to seek an illusion only us have created. This got me thinking so hard and coincidentally at that time of my life I was going to through a lot and identity crisis (a topic for another day) was one of them. This uncle further asked me some thought provoking questions like who i was (of course i was quick to respond with the usual I am a young lady of integrity and blah blah) but he cut through the shit (pardon my french) and asked me who I really was, he told me that if I have not questioned my existence and actually get answers to them then I have not really lived. Now this  broke me down literately . You see I'm the type of person who prays to God

Gists and Gossips!!

Hey Lovers, as you have supported me on this blog, here's another blog I manage and i urge you to visit for daily dose of entertainment gists, gossip and lots more. I know you won't disappoint me. The love i have for you long reach moon come back. Don't forget also to comment here and on the other. Thanks Boos

Ill-Fitted Couples?

So i was in the mall the other day sitting down gingerly awaiting my friend and trust me i chose the best position to sit and i did not mean to notice couples because if you know me well fine boys would have been the number one choice but i got carried away and i noticed people come in twos, male, female some holding hands, some giggling at each other's dry jokes(i was sure a particular geh didn't find the joke of her ill fitted date funny, i mean c'mon girl! that laugh was a screech with no heart in it) while some were just walking the shiny tiles of the mall with no indication of knowing each other. so it got this my crazy head thinking and i started analyzing (shebi i was less-busy and i figured the wait was going to be long). Really it is not in my place to judge two people who choose or are still in the process of choosing to be together, but pardon me to have my say and entertain you because wetin my eyes see, my mouth through my hands cannot be quiet. I saw couples


Thank God It's Friday!!! most young  people wait all week to just to tweet this or put it on their pm and so on. Meanwhile half of these people are sitting on their favorite couch or in bed, or just home with their strict parents while relying on SoundCity or the  Radio to actually bop their heads to the songs they wish they were grinding on their favorite crush to, at the club they do not even know the names. But what are they thanking God for i wonder sef, i get that it marks the end of a week and you do not have to work for another 2 days, but are you really thanking God for that dress know you your mum will have a fit for just knowing you own it, or fact that you spend the money you scammed daddy for on the ridiculously inflated drinks that you cannot finish without showing signs of madness and oh! the crase of the loud music from those gigantic speakers that renders your ears useless for days? Ha! I can relate with the euphoria and sense of fun it gives. Yeah i get it, I shou

New Look Blog

Hi Lovers, 25th was my birthday, Happy Birthday to me!!! this blog is a birthday gift to myself, and i know it has been a while, so many issues network being a major one (i am resolving that do not fret) and also I have been ill, i am better now thanks. i just want to introduce the new pages to you as i hope you visit and comment like i always beg; THE DEAR DIARY PAGE is really just about me and whatever is happening in my life, it is somewhat where i wanna go to let the little voices in my head come out, if you want to have a sneak peek into my head, dear diary is the place for you. THE FANTASIES PAGE is a page i recommend ladies to visit often, it is a page that will feature pictures of most of our fantasies (the 6-packs, abs, butts, legs, handsomeness, cuteness and so on) and this page will not be only me, we all need to contribute. this page will allow us discuss, dissect and analyse and just let it out. Who says only the male folks have to this opportunity, here's ours and

How Hungry Are You?

Oh! we all want something, whether it be love, money, fame, power, stability, peace just mention it you may not have figured it out yet but the fact is we all want something and figuring it out is not rocket science you just have to find whatever it is that seem lacking in your life or that thing you see other people with and wish so bad that you want it. After getting this, the next question is how bad do want what it? what is the length you are willing to go to get what you want? what most people do not know is how hungry you are for what you want( i mean the zeal and passion) causes a certain force that will deliver what you want with the same amount of hunger you have for it from the universe or from the Divine if you are quite religious, I mean it is very evident in our everyday lives isn't said that from the abundance of the know the rest. Now I do not the mean the kind of hunger that drives psychopaths to do crazy stuffs like killing or slandering or blackmaili

The Pepper Soup....

I had this incredibly delicious pepper soup that I can't stop thinking and talking about. kai! I had the head of the fish and I couldn't battle it well (me of all people) cos it was so big and  I was soo full, we were 4 on the table and we couldn't finish the soup and fresh fish plus yam on the side. this place is around Opebi beside the Famous Adebola house. I recommend that you to go there with an empty stomach and lots of patience because your order will be freshly cooked when you go there,we were all too full (you know that kain bellefull you loosen your belt and still no space) I have never been filled to the brim like that in my life and not with PEPPER SOUP, I didn't know how I got home home, I slept full-clothed but in the end it was fun and I wasn't depressed about not having a date or  a Val's gift. Because whether you got the gifts, the romance and the assurance of a lifetime together... now the day is over or whether you weren't gifted, you spe

The Valentine Eve

Hello dearies, it's Val's eve! it is the season where boo will not pick bae's call and bae cannot be angry because she wants red roses, boxes of chocolates and the sexy red dress to the romantic date at ocean view where she can hear every sound of the ripples of water as she looks into the eyes of the one she loves. okay rewind before i get carried away by the images in my head. seriously speaking what are the expectations of lovers today? what picture does every girl that will be dressed in a touch of red tomorrow have today? what expectation's do they have from Le boo? what have they gisted among their friends that their man is capable of doing?.... now what really is Le BOO planning for BAE? how does he think tomorrow will end? is Le Boo going to deliver or he is just going to go AWOL?. dear BOO, whether you like it or not LA BAE is expecting and frankly you wont borrow to please her isn't it? so her are some tips on how to wow BAE without 'misplacing'

A little bit of me

The admin of this blog is Ajayi Aishat as this blog is not for her but for the people who read, comment and love.  I am Ajayi Aishat, I am first a black Nigerian  young lady who is very passionate about whatever I want to do, I do not like to be boxed, i do not like too many rules as they just hinder my sense of creativity. I am an only child of Mr and Mrs Ajayi, I hail from Kwara state(sometimes i wish  i was hausa, sadly i am not), i attended St.Bernedette Nur & Pri schl Akoka, Lagos, then i proceeded to Lagos State Model College Meiran (up school! Up Model!!) and then Babcock University where i studied Business Administration(tho i have a major problem with Maths and Accounting) but for my love for broadcasting i later attended Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria where i studied Basic Presentation. I have been here and there with jobs but now am just pursuinig my dreams of broadcasting especially radio. I am quite a religious person with love for music, movies, books

A Promise Kept!

welcome to my world of craziness! welcome lovers! welcome  welcome welcome! is this perfect timing or what? here i can share my words and all the voices in my head have each day  a say in this world. let me not bore you, let me go straight to my pledges i promise to make this blog so much fun as i can i promise to work on your feedback to be a better "blogger" so welcome once again we shall be starting with valentine specials. be ready for a wonderful ride. i love you all