The Perfect Eyebrows On A Monday Morning

Disclaimer: I am not about to give make up tutorials. I am here to write about my musings as a young lady in this very world, where work wears you out and rest is very scarce. The perfect brows might not just be on a monday morning but every morning.

So I saw the beautiful girl again on my way to work this morning and many other mornings with a perfect eye brows, I mean well carved, filled, highlighted and defined brows, of course her whole face was always on fleek but the eyebrows caught my attention (Be sure that is one of the first things I notice on your face dear girl-friends). I began to wonder how does she do it? at 7a.m in the morning! for me it is only luck that will make me apply 'common' powder on my face at that time in the morning, I ponder on the process of such make up and the time she would have spent on doing that, it would take a minimum time of 30 minutes to get a perfect face like that, do you know how much time that it in sleep-land?? Extra 30miutes will do me very good in the early mornings especially in this harmattan mehn!.

Trust me to always bring a lesson out in all my crazy thinkings and the lesson here is 'Dedication', this girl is dedicated to her face and general outlook that she takes her time to meticulously apply her concealer, foundation, carve and fill her brows, line her eyes, apply eyeshadow, lipstick, contour, blush, and finally powder the smooth and succinct face. I imagine her waking up very in the morning and applying the necessary makeup on her face, humor me a bit; imagine there is no light (electricity, for the overly tush folks) and she has to use her rechargeable lamp, now imagine the lamp is dead, she has to use the torch light on her small nokia phone to brighten her room, I can only imagine struggling with the phone in her mouth or inside her hair net to get the perfect face. Hahaa! 'le struggle (please don't act like you do not know what I am talking about here oo).

Jokes apart, this much dedication is what we should put in everything we do, from our relationships (family, friends, lovers and colleagues) to education to work and especially service to God. This dedication has lots of cousins like focus, diligence, passion, obedience, loyalty and even love which is the greatest commandment. Try it and see it yield results, wake up earlier like to pray, maybe read a little, learn, listen, just DO a little something a day to add value to the present state you are or find yourself. Trust me, it will it will definitely pay off, just wait and see.

Serious Advice: Because it is said that 'do no allow somebody with bad eyebrows tell you sh*t about life' I might start filling my own brows when I get to work, of course.
Because commenting is as good as reading, please comment. I love you for reading


  1. I guess i'll try to add more than I usually apply - Dedication, thanks

  2. you should do that, welcome dear

  3. Smiles, this is so lovely and educative . God help us all to be better for Him and to our fellow neigbours

  4. Smiles, this is so lovely and educative . God help us all to be better for Him and to our fellow neigbours


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