The Journey contd......And Hassana Worked

And work she did... as easy as it is to be her twin, she admits to the jitters and nerves

The stage was set, she could hear the director say action!

"Jane, where is my sister?"
"she just stepped out, she is not very pleased with you ma" Jane replied in that throaty voice of hers, confirming her loyality to Hassana
"Very well then, we just have to carry on without her"
A nod was what she got in reply, if only the poor girl knew
She entered the room with confidence and she stepped into the role
"Gentlemen and ladies, I apologize for my lateness, we all live in Lagos and you will agree with me that these roads are not enough for the 15million people residing in lagos".... Nice!
"it's okay, carry on" the Tinubu-wannabe said, she decided right then she will never like this man
"As you would have read in the guide given to you, Colors Limited is a company larger than life" and on and on she went forgetting she was acting and finding it quite easy to breathe and move around and looked into the eyes of these strangers who think she is not her. Even Jane was impressed but then who will not be impressed by such a presentation that she can never give without being her sister.

After all said and done, she signed the contracts from 3 new investors, she was  sure how many her sister would have pulled off but 3 is not bad. They exchanged pleasantries and handshakes, she discarded Jane who was beaming from ear to ear, telling her she has to attend to her son, isn't that what Hussena will say? but Jane was still curious about where  Hassana went all through the meeting... Poor, STUPID girl. Now let the worries begin.


Hussena decided today was an indoor day, she had to find her way to talk to her twin so that they can reschedule the meeting with the delegates and reschedule they must because she knows Hassana can never pull this off, the girl does not have a nerve in the fibre of her being to do a simple presentation, smart in the head, lacking self-confidence.
Her sister never takes the shine or glory for anything, she just leaves it up to her to be the star while it is definately fun, it can be boring and frustrating at times, like back in high school when she, Hussena eventually got the attention of Ladi, it was Hassana that helped her be the cool, intelligent girl malo girl that Ladi liked but Hassana was strange then wearing her lipstick, cat walking perfectly with her chubby butt rolling the way Hussena's can never do, one would never know that she is the same shy thing while Hassana never liked things like that but she sure pulls those stunts off.
Back to present,  she wonders how many potential investors they would lose just cos her sister cannot face some couple of ill dressed delegates.  But it's alright, she has to find a way to deal with her help, her son, her phone and the other mess she seem to meet herself this very unfortunate day.


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