The Journey


Hassana entered into the class, her head bowed low as always as she took to her seat with the calculated moves, she knew how the class was even in darkness, she knew whose chair most especially to avoid, siting down has never been such a relief for her because she knew who was coming in soon, taking her own calculated steps and knows whose chairs she definitely must pass by. "How can someone look so much like me and yet be totally different? why can't I walk into the class and be noticed? I mean Hussena is my twin for heaven's sake, we look so much alike that we are practically the same person!" all these questions she couldn't find answers to particularly because Bimpe the only soul who understood her in the world has chosen the wrong day to come late to school. AAAArh!


 Hussena has always and will always be late, she doesn't understand for the life of her why Hassana rushes to class, when all she does is sit with that ordinary, ever dull Bimpe who probably knows what the Principal ate for breakfast today. Hassana is fast tainting her reputation as the most beautiful girl in the whole school with her stuttering and stammering when asked questions and to think that some fools sometimes mistake her for her twin who puts the ll in Dull AAAArh!. Now she had to hang with Joyce and Ekaette (friends who just wants hang with the beautiful girl, but she must give it to them, they have are very loyal) by the gate of the school to pass time so when first period starts and she can enter with all the swagger in the world, she must go through the front door so that she can see Ladi (the hottest boy in whole of Nigeria) watch her twist her tiny waist she has seen Rihanna do on television. With that perfect plan in her mind, she set out to class with her 'loyals' behind her but maybe she was forgetful or  plain stupid especially since Hassana nagged on and on about how it was that devilish Maths teacher, Mr. Ikuomola that was taking first period today because immediately she entered the class and she saw him, she froze................


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