The Valentine Eve

Hello dearies, it's Val's eve! it is the season where boo will not pick bae's call and bae cannot be angry because she wants red roses, boxes of chocolates and the sexy red dress to the romantic date at ocean view where she can hear every sound of the ripples of water as she looks into the eyes of the one she loves. okay rewind before i get carried away by the images in my head. seriously speaking what are the expectations of lovers today? what picture does every girl that will be dressed in a touch of red tomorrow have today? what expectation's do they have from Le boo? what have they gisted among their friends that their man is capable of doing?.... now what really is Le BOO planning for BAE? how does he think tomorrow will end? is Le Boo going to deliver or he is just going to go AWOL?. dear BOO, whether you like it or not LA BAE is expecting and frankly you wont borrow to please her isn't it? so her are some tips on how to wow BAE without 'misplacing' your debit cards.

For a spouse or significant other:

1. Time in a bottle:  since it's on a Saturday: Announce your gift -- along with your most heartfelt message of love and appreciation -- in your best handwriting (i realize people don't know how precious this can be) or play with various fonts on your computer. Clean up an old wine bottle and insert the rolled-up message tied with a red bow. Give her/ him a promise of Love.

2. Dining out:  Sure, you can take your loved one out to dinner, but that can get expensive. Instead, eat out -- as in outdoors. A picnic in a park or at the beach will fill the bill or better still set up a picnic blanket and basket at the dining room table, on the living room floor or in the middle of that king-size bed or whatever bed you have. Add a rose or two (rather than a dozen) for atmosphere. Beauty in Simplicity!

3. New adventures:  Do something different. Go somewhere you've never been before, or someplace you haven't been in a while that's special, somewhere she/ he has been talking about for a while or the site of your first date, for example creates a long lasting memory.

4. Surprise, surprise:  For guys that don't normally cook,  your best attempt at a home-cooked meal can be a huge treat and doesn't have to cost anything. Or hide a note under her pillow the night before or little notes around her room on the day, telling her what she means to you. Look at the little things. "What men don't realize about Valentine's Day is that it doesn't have to cost a lot," says Gray author of Men are from Mars an Women are from Venus. "Little things make the difference. The surprise factor is nice, whenever possible," Gray says.

And of course the box of chocolate is quite compulsory,
go to the movies or the beach(am sure there will be lots of parties you can rock, if you both are party lovers).
in addition Valentine does not just mean only Le BOO (male) taking La BAE (female) out. all these apply to the female gender too.i sign out here. relay your comments. peace out, love you guys!


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