Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People??

Hey Lovelies, I know it has been a really long while, no excuse all I can say is I'm sorry. So I got this inspiration to write this post, please remember the fun me, read and enjoy.

A loud bang on the head left side of my head, the first few seconds I didn't feel anything, just the echo of the bang and then slowly it came, the pain, such blinding pain that I couldn't even pretend not to feel, a very loud wail came from the depth of my inside (it shocked even me) that must have caught the attention of the scores of people that looked my way and sudden pity of the few that actually helped me. Then the questions came: Who did I offend? What did I do wrong?  Lord why me??

All this happened under the bridge of Iyana Ipaja (a place I have been for years).
What I was doing there? Thanks for asking........ I was coming from a long time friend's wedding and as a Lagos girl (wey no sabi road) I was helped by another sweet friend to Iyana Ipaja and was left alone abruptly because she saw the bus to her house and of course she had to go, little did she know that I was going get knocked in the head by what I really don't know till tomorrow but from the sound of the object and what people around were saying, it was an 'alabaru's pan (sincerely, I cannot define).

After I had gotten over the pain and the shock, I had to revisit the ultimate question of 'Why me Lord?', I began the soul searching process, asking myself what was on my mind before the 'accident', I remember that I was actually singing along to a praise song I love so much over the plenty speakers of the 'Lagos Hustlers' selling CD (pirated and unpirated, none of our business). Then the gentle voice said "GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE, AISHA", it continued saying it could be worse, it could have been a careless or drunk driver that would hit you from behind (I was not on the right side of the road), it could even be the most careful driver with sudden brake failure and then I stopped sobbing and I began to say thank you Lord.

Mine was thank you Lord, yours could be 'Alhamdulilah' or just a heart of gratitude to the spiritual being you render praises to. I got home and looked at my mother while she was tending to my head and all I can think about how this woman could have lost the only child she had in the world! HA! Thank you Lord!
....................... By the way, there are still good and Nigerians out there. God bless the women selling pure water and drinks by the side of the road and especially the guy who helped made sure I was stable and able to walk before he left for his own way. I still have a small 'koko' (bump) on the head that I am trying to get rid of. Any help?

Thanks for reading. I promise write often. I Love Y'all


  1. Hmmm...Aisha i like how you tend to humour us with your style of writing even if the issue you presented were kinda serious. Lovely narrative dear. Check out my own blog www.monsieurcheque.wordpress.com ||your feedback would be appreciated.

    1. thank you dear, I did read your on climate change and i liked it to. I would feed you back very soon

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cool Aishat. Narrative and comic.


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