
Showing posts from February, 2015

New Look Blog

Hi Lovers, 25th was my birthday, Happy Birthday to me!!! this blog is a birthday gift to myself, and i know it has been a while, so many issues network being a major one (i am resolving that do not fret) and also I have been ill, i am better now thanks. i just want to introduce the new pages to you as i hope you visit and comment like i always beg; THE DEAR DIARY PAGE is really just about me and whatever is happening in my life, it is somewhat where i wanna go to let the little voices in my head come out, if you want to have a sneak peek into my head, dear diary is the place for you. THE FANTASIES PAGE is a page i recommend ladies to visit often, it is a page that will feature pictures of most of our fantasies (the 6-packs, abs, butts, legs, handsomeness, cuteness and so on) and this page will not be only me, we all need to contribute. this page will allow us discuss, dissect and analyse and just let it out. Who says only the male folks have to this opportunity, here's ours and

How Hungry Are You?

Oh! we all want something, whether it be love, money, fame, power, stability, peace just mention it you may not have figured it out yet but the fact is we all want something and figuring it out is not rocket science you just have to find whatever it is that seem lacking in your life or that thing you see other people with and wish so bad that you want it. After getting this, the next question is how bad do want what it? what is the length you are willing to go to get what you want? what most people do not know is how hungry you are for what you want( i mean the zeal and passion) causes a certain force that will deliver what you want with the same amount of hunger you have for it from the universe or from the Divine if you are quite religious, I mean it is very evident in our everyday lives isn't said that from the abundance of the know the rest. Now I do not the mean the kind of hunger that drives psychopaths to do crazy stuffs like killing or slandering or blackmaili

The Pepper Soup....

I had this incredibly delicious pepper soup that I can't stop thinking and talking about. kai! I had the head of the fish and I couldn't battle it well (me of all people) cos it was so big and  I was soo full, we were 4 on the table and we couldn't finish the soup and fresh fish plus yam on the side. this place is around Opebi beside the Famous Adebola house. I recommend that you to go there with an empty stomach and lots of patience because your order will be freshly cooked when you go there,we were all too full (you know that kain bellefull you loosen your belt and still no space) I have never been filled to the brim like that in my life and not with PEPPER SOUP, I didn't know how I got home home, I slept full-clothed but in the end it was fun and I wasn't depressed about not having a date or  a Val's gift. Because whether you got the gifts, the romance and the assurance of a lifetime together... now the day is over or whether you weren't gifted, you spe

The Valentine Eve

Hello dearies, it's Val's eve! it is the season where boo will not pick bae's call and bae cannot be angry because she wants red roses, boxes of chocolates and the sexy red dress to the romantic date at ocean view where she can hear every sound of the ripples of water as she looks into the eyes of the one she loves. okay rewind before i get carried away by the images in my head. seriously speaking what are the expectations of lovers today? what picture does every girl that will be dressed in a touch of red tomorrow have today? what expectation's do they have from Le boo? what have they gisted among their friends that their man is capable of doing?.... now what really is Le BOO planning for BAE? how does he think tomorrow will end? is Le Boo going to deliver or he is just going to go AWOL?. dear BOO, whether you like it or not LA BAE is expecting and frankly you wont borrow to please her isn't it? so her are some tips on how to wow BAE without 'misplacing'

A little bit of me

The admin of this blog is Ajayi Aishat as this blog is not for her but for the people who read, comment and love.  I am Ajayi Aishat, I am first a black Nigerian  young lady who is very passionate about whatever I want to do, I do not like to be boxed, i do not like too many rules as they just hinder my sense of creativity. I am an only child of Mr and Mrs Ajayi, I hail from Kwara state(sometimes i wish  i was hausa, sadly i am not), i attended St.Bernedette Nur & Pri schl Akoka, Lagos, then i proceeded to Lagos State Model College Meiran (up school! Up Model!!) and then Babcock University where i studied Business Administration(tho i have a major problem with Maths and Accounting) but for my love for broadcasting i later attended Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria where i studied Basic Presentation. I have been here and there with jobs but now am just pursuinig my dreams of broadcasting especially radio. I am quite a religious person with love for music, movies, books

A Promise Kept!

welcome to my world of craziness! welcome lovers! welcome  welcome welcome! is this perfect timing or what? here i can share my words and all the voices in my head have each day  a say in this world. let me not bore you, let me go straight to my pledges i promise to make this blog so much fun as i can i promise to work on your feedback to be a better "blogger" so welcome once again we shall be starting with valentine specials. be ready for a wonderful ride. i love you all