Job's First Day In Heaven...... Contd
This is the concluding part of the Job's story written by my hilarious friend Timi Price. Read, enjoy and share......... "Very well," the LORD told Satan, "everything he owns is in your power. However, you must not lay a hand on Job himself." So Satan left the LORD's presence. Holman Christian Standard Bible, Jobs 1:12 “Take it easy, Job. There is a very small explanation for this. Trust me” God said. “God allowed Satan to test your faith” Jesus said “J-E-S-U-S!” God called out his name. “Dad, no use ripping the bandage slowly. The wound has healed” Jesus defended himself “It’s not in your place to say, son!” God said “What is Bandage” Job asked. “Its something that was invented, thousands of years later to prevent infections. You’ll understand that later, it’s a future innovation” God said “From what Jesus is saying, you knew Satan was gonna destroy my life and you allowed it.”