Job's First Day In Heaven

This is another piece from my man Timi Price, funny as always this one captures Job's first day in heaven. Read, enjoy, laugh and share. Thank me later

"Very well," the LORD told Satan, "everything he owns is in your power. However, you must not lay a hand on Job himself." So Satan left the LORD's presence. 
Holman Christian Standard Bible, Jobs 1:12

We all Some of us know about the story of Jobs in the old testament about his tribulations on earth which was approved by God, it was a wager between God and Satan about the devout nature of Jobs in service to God.

Long story short, God gave Satan the approval to torment him and test him if he will still be faithful despite all his travails. This post will focus on Job’s comedic entrance into Heaven after he died.

Job arrived at the gates of Heaven, everywhere was shining, almost blinding with the streets paved in Gold, the beautiful pearly gate was opened to Jobs.

As he walked into paradise, he heard a voice from a distant

“Job, my son! Is that you?” The voice was clear as day and very soothing, he could the power and love in the voice. The voice became clearer as he moved closer to him.

There was no need for introductions, it is God!

The elderly but very agile man walked towards him in anticipation, with arms open.

“Bring it in!”

Jobs rushed into the arms of God, it all made sense. He could hear the music, the sweet music in the ears. The Harp was so melodic and smooth.

“Welcome home, Job” God continued. I thank you for all the good work you’ve done on earth.

Tears strolled down Job’s eyes as he slowly disengaged from the hug he would have loved to last forever.

“Walk with me, son” He told Job.

As the walked the beautiful heavenly streets with towers and mansions with foundations in the cloud, the scenery was breathtakingly beautiful, more beautiful that whatever had been described in any book.

“Your story, the story of your travails will live on forever, much more than you can imagine.”

“Your story is that or courage and resilience and absolute faith in my will for your life”.

Along the street in different houses, he could see people taking harp lessons, David was coordinating the choir, the Halleluyah been sang was legendary, no other people could sing with so much accord, seemed like the choir of hundreds of thousands of people were singing with one voice.

On the other aisle was Abraham coordinating for the big feast later today in honor of Job, the newly arrived son of God.

As they moved along the streets of heaven, Job was overwhelmed with the beautiful city of God. Jesus, the son of God playing with children.

“Hey Jesus, come meet Job. You remember him right?”

Jesus came to join them, also smiling, he gave Job a big hug, and remarked

“We are all proud of what your life signified”.

Job looked at God wondering who Jesus was, God quickly clarified,

“Jesus is my son. He shows up later in the timespace but he was here while we all witnessed your story”

“Your son?” Job inquired

“Don’t worry yourself, It’ll all be understandable to you later on” God told him

“Job, I would like to say once more, great work, the heavens and the earth will never forget the path your life has played” Jesus said, feeling proud of Job.

“Its all so beautiful and heart wrenching to find out that all that happened to you was all known to the Almighty God” Jesus said

At this point, Job needed more clarification on Jesus’ last statement.

“God, what does Jesus mean by you knew about all of this” Job asked.


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