
Showing posts from 2018

The Friend Series: Know Your Toxic Friends & Avoid One!

Hey Lovelies! Happy new month! Can you smell Christmas already?? You bet I can perceive the strong smell of holiday, freedom & celebration ahead. Continuing our Friends series, check here  Friends get level   if you missed the previous post. Today we would be discussing Toxic friendship, defines Toxic as relating to human as  causing  unpleasant  feelings;  harmful  or  malicious.  We all need friends, I mean supporting, caring close knit of people who patiently listen without judgement and correct in love. Let's get right into it:  For your mental health and well-being, you should try your hardest to surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, not drag you down and discourage you. You need to have relationships with people who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you. If you notice any of these behaviors in your relationships, you might need to reevaluate your connection with them and figure out if they’re worth keeping in yo

The Friend Series: Friends Get Level oooo!

Hello Lovelies! How have you been? I miss y'all, hope you missed me too? We are starting "The Friends Series! Yippee! I hope you are as excited as I am. Let's get into it. How well do you know me?, you should know that my best TV series is FRIENDS! ( and I am not sorry about it ). As an only child, I have always taken my friends very very personal, once I identify that you are a friend forget it, it is for life . So starting this is more exciting for me as it will be educative for everyone of us.  On this post we are starting with the different levels of friendship, I heard about the different levels of friendship in my singles fellowship ( yeah judge me, I am one of those people ) and it really opened my mind to acknowledge that not all the people in my life that I had called friends were worth that exalted position, most of them were just acquaintances and colleagues. Do you call everybody your friend? even though deep down you know this person wouldn&#

Ten People You Need To Have In Your Professional Network

Hello Lovelies 😍!, I am delivering as promised. I believe as young professionals or professionals of any age, NETWORKING cannot be over emphasized, the wise saying that says 'Your Network is Your Net Worth' is truer especially in Nigeria at a party,where you have to know the person in charge of jollof and drinks at parties to be fed. Perusing LinkedIn, I stumbled on this article and I believe it will bless you as it did me. As always do not forget to comment and share after reading😚. Bless up! Perhaps one of the most important relationship you as a young professional can have in your network is:   1. The Recruiter relationships , whether gainfully employed or looking to pivot careers, recruiters offer a critical window into the market. Even when you’re not looking, you want to understand the level of interest in what you do (what is your marketability?), the compensation for your role (what is your market value?) and the typical scope of responsibility, budget a

9 Things That Interviewers Really Want To Hear From You

Dear Lovelies! How have you been? I am back from my Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) exams, it was fine thank you for asking guys . Y'all know I love writing for you guys to read and learn, reading, laughing and generally having fun however, my passion is centered around people and the best way to channel this passion professionally is through Human Resources aka HR. Kindly enjoy with me as I continue on my journey to become the best Human Resource Manager/Director you will know. This I read from Forbes on LinkedIn. Please read, comment and share.  Professionals tend to make things seem very complicated, in an effort to make the the recipients of their advice feel stupid, afraid, intimidated and prone to follow orders. Let’s pick a profession like medicine. Why do doctors use such ridiculously complicated terms? They could easily substitute ominous-sounding symptoms for “boo-boos” and take all the stress and anxiety out of the situation. They don't do

This Relationship Habit!

Hello lovelies! I am back! Read and Learn. Do not forget to comment. Thank you  It looks like couples who like to eat together, definitely stay together. In fact, a new study suggests that a couple who share a love for good food are most likely to make their relationship last . In other words, good marriages revolve around good eating. According to , a poll of married friends says that their relationships are steeped in decisions revolving around food. Yes, that means that married husbands and wives spend most of their time deciding on what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for better or for worse. "What to eat is the decision you make most often as a couple," one newlywed explained, according to the site. "So if you both don't like to eat or like to eat the same things, [I'd] think you'd basically be having a lot of small fights constantly." In addition, eating also establishes a level of intimacy that can’t really be

8 Reasons Why Employees Stay In Toxic Organizations

Hello Lovelies! I am learning, let us learn together from  Susan Ways, a Human Resources executive and one of my influencers on LinkedIn. By the way, as a young professional and you do not have a LinkedIn account, you are seriously missing out on opportunities to build strategic networks and even job opportunities my friend. Do not forget to Read, share amd comment. Thank you There is a lot of focus on culture development in today’s workplace. Employees are looking for organizations that foster positive cultures and while this means different things to different people, there are some common traits that highly toxic cultures share such as; poor communication, bullying, lack of accountability, etc. Every company has a culture and some companies have sub cultures that may or may not align with the overall cultural vision. If left unchecked a culture will develop and without an intentional direction it will most likely develop in a negative form.

The Synergy Between Lagos Bus Driver And His Conductor

Hello Lovelies, I am back! with this topic that has been on my mind for a while and it has finally materialized in my head. As usual please look beyond my stories and deduce the crux of the writing. Enjoy! Once I enter into a commercial bus in Lagos, the first thing I am likely to notice is the synergy/cooperation between the bus driver and conductor, which makes me able to deduce how well the trip will go and 99% of the time I am right (yes i said it 99%). You see this cooperation between these two most important people leading the bus to your destination is as compulsory as you passenger coming in with your change O! if you live in Lagos you know will get the subtle joke.  Let me use this illustration most Lagos (Black and Yellow) commercial buses do not have side mirror which automatically makes the conductor the "eyes" of the driver, the conductor as you see in the picture above usually hangs on the bus and that makes him see further ahead than the driver.

The 'English-erization' Of The Tribal Marked Aisha

Hello Lovelies, I'm sure this post meets you well. I promise to write often so here goes today's, as always read, comment and enjoy.............. As I was planning to write this post, it happened again, this is a conversation between me and my new tailor just this morning: After the usual good mornings,  Me: "I expected you yesterday and you did not come" Tailor: "I'm sorry, I was busy" Me: "Okay, I'll come, I want to buy Koko (local pap) and akara (bean cake)" Tailor: "*funny laugh*, so you drink koko?, you don't look like someone who drinks koko ooo" Me: "*puzzled*, how would someone who drinks koko look?" Tailor: "I don't know, but you sha don't look like you drink koko"

10 Personalities That Struggle At Work

Hey Lovelies! Been long you saw me, do not forget to read, comment and share! It’s easy to manage the employees who follow the rules but what about those employees who just don’t quite fit it? Maybe nothing egregious is going on but there is something about them that causes their manager to overlook them or not engage with them on the same level they do with other employees. Employees come to an organization with a myriad of personalities. Some of them are innate characteristics, while others are learned through past experiences. There are times when we can coach employees to a level of self-awareness where change is possible and successful outcomes are achieved, but there are other times when people get so stuck in their behavior that change never comes. Every struggling employee deserves a chance and each chance begins with a conversation. That conversation should include the identified behavior, the expected behavior and what (if any) support the company can provide.