The Synergy Between Lagos Bus Driver And His Conductor

Hello Lovelies, I am back! with this topic that has been on my mind for a while and it has finally materialized in my head. As usual please look beyond my stories and deduce the crux of the writing. Enjoy!

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Once I enter into a commercial bus in Lagos, the first thing I am likely to notice is the synergy/cooperation between the bus driver and conductor, which makes me able to deduce how well the trip will go and 99% of the time I am right (yes i said it 99%). You see this cooperation between these two most important people leading the bus to your destination is as compulsory as you passenger coming in with your change O! if you live in Lagos you know will get the subtle joke.

 Let me use this illustration most Lagos (Black and Yellow) commercial buses do not have side mirror which automatically makes the conductor the "eyes" of the driver, the conductor as you see in the picture above usually hangs on the bus and that makes him see further ahead than the driver. His intermittent supplies of slangs such as Gbera, wole wa (ask your yoruba friends the meaning) guides the driver to successfully maneuver the "renowned Lagos traffic" - O.S 2018 without kissing (another lagos slang) other buses or private cars known in Lagos as My Car.

Image result for bus driver and conductor in lagos cartoon

Following the illustration above, now imagine if the bus driver and conductor are not on good terms or do not cooperate with each other?, they will probably cuss at each other all through the trip as I have very well experienced and I am sure if you use legedis benz like me, you would have too, and if you have not experienced this notions of mine, when next you board a public bus in Lagos, Nigeria kindly take note and revert back to me.

These observations of mine also got me thinking that this kind of synergy is needed in marriages, where the driver (husband) listens and acknowledges the ideas of the wife (conductor), sieves & banks the useful ones while the wife (conductor) relays her ideas in a supportive manner as as to take the children (passengers) to the right destination.

This kind of synergy is also needed in the office space, where the boss (driver) recognizes the contributions of the subordinates (conductors), entrench them to his/her plans, motivates these subordinates to be better so as to achieve the organisation's goals.

This synergy is also needed in friendship, where friends can steer each other in the right way in that in different situations, friends can take turn to be drivers and conductors as the need arises. 

What other situations can this synergy/cooperation play out? please leave a comment. Thank you for reading, do not forget to comment and share!.

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  1. A school, the school management(husband) does the decision making and the
    teacher/lecturer (wife) teaches the students so as to impact the lives of the students.

    1. Thank you! i see that you took it from the husband-wife synergy which is also good.

  2. Interesting read! I really like the illustration you used in describing synergy. No doubt, individuals in a team, relationship etc should focus more on complementing each other. Complementing each other is necessary to making progress quicker and easily. What this further translates to is understanding and appreciating our strengths and weaknesses where necessary.


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