Claim Your Morning Back
How do you start your day? This short write-up was inspired by reading Claire Taylor's articles and this one sort of spoke to me because of how it affects our lives in general. In an article titled Why It Matters How You Start Your Morning, Claire spoke about how she went for a retreat where she didn't DO anything but she worked more on the Be. In her words: My intention for the retreat was - BE, RELAX & SURRENDER. This wasn’t a do, do, do weekend – it was about chilling out and going with the flow. This got me thinking, how many times have you and I taken time to have a retreat with ourselves? Where we keep all human contact from the outside especially on our phones very minimal?. Claire went on to explain how social media is a Super-highway and I do agree with her. Talking about social media in Nigeria, since the excessively yet positive reduction in the price of data bundles, the craze has taken over and I am as guilty as the pe...