Ill-Fitted Couples?
So i was in the mall the other day sitting down gingerly awaiting my friend and trust me i chose the best position to sit and i did not mean to notice couples because if you know me well fine boys would have been the number one choice but i got carried away and i noticed people come in twos, male, female some holding hands, some giggling at each other's dry jokes(i was sure a particular geh didn't find the joke of her ill fitted date funny, i mean c'mon girl! that laugh was a screech with no heart in it) while some were just walking the shiny tiles of the mall with no indication of knowing each other. so it got this my crazy head thinking and i started analyzing (shebi i was less-busy and i figured the wait was going to be long). Really it is not in my place to judge two people who choose or are still in the process of choosing to be together, but pardon me to have my say and entertain you because wetin my eyes see, my mouth through my hands cannot be quiet. I saw couples ...