
Showing posts from August, 2018

This Relationship Habit!

Hello lovelies! I am back! Read and Learn. Do not forget to comment. Thank you  It looks like couples who like to eat together, definitely stay together. In fact, a new study suggests that a couple who share a love for good food are most likely to make their relationship last . In other words, good marriages revolve around good eating. According to , a poll of married friends says that their relationships are steeped in decisions revolving around food. Yes, that means that married husbands and wives spend most of their time deciding on what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for better or for worse. "What to eat is the decision you make most often as a couple," one newlywed explained, according to the site. "So if you both don't like to eat or like to eat the same things, [I'd] think you'd basically be having a lot of small fights constantly." In addition, eating also establishes a level of intimacy that can’t really be...