
Showing posts from February, 2018

10 Personalities That Struggle At Work

Hey Lovelies! Been long you saw me, do not forget to read, comment and share! It’s easy to manage the employees who follow the rules but what about those employees who just don’t quite fit it? Maybe nothing egregious is going on but there is something about them that causes their manager to overlook them or not engage with them on the same level they do with other employees. Employees come to an organization with a myriad of personalities. Some of them are innate characteristics, while others are learned through past experiences. There are times when we can coach employees to a level of self-awareness where change is possible and successful outcomes are achieved, but there are other times when people get so stuck in their behavior that change never comes. Every struggling employee deserves a chance and each chance begins with a conversation. That conversation should include the identified behavior, the expected behavior and what (if any) support the company can provide.