Agreement In Marriage........

Hi lovelies, I know this is different from what I usually feature on the blog, but I have been attending the Singles Fellowship of the Fountain Of Life Church and it has been a wonderful experience.

I realize that I have been selfish with the eye-opening information that I have received from the house of God. I chose to share this topic because I have gotten to the age where marriage is the next big step for me plus I now have married friends who will be blessed by this wonderful piece.

My dear readers, Please read the words of PASTOR Kunle Osunkunle, enjoy, share and comment. 

We need to learn about agreement in marriage. Amos 3:3. For you to walk together you must agree. Both of you must have the same goal for you to agree. If you do not have agreement in a lot of critical issues then you both should not go into it.
After the altar agreement there need to be continuous agreement. Your courtship period is important to know things to agree upon. Ecce 4:9-12. There are people in a marriage that are not in agreement even with the fact that they are married which should not be. When you become one there is a reward for that agreement. For if one falls the other will lift up his companion.

The challenge people face is that they are always highlighting the weakness of their spouse. You saw it before marriage why are you hitting hard on it. When someone makes a mistake don't also forget the good things that person has done. 

Without being filled in the spirit it is difficult for the man to love so also the woman. The God factor is well considered in everything you do. You should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Bible says one will chase a thousand and two ten thousand.

God wants you to have a marriage you will enjoy and not endure so you need to agree in all things. Disagreement kills relationship and it increases ageing. If you disagree more than you agree You will lose that relationship to death.


Once you start arguing you lose focus of the exact concrete matter.
The devil takes opportunity in little things to destroy the marriage.
80% of things people batter about in marriage are not important.
We need to realize that a lot of things you argue about is ego but in marriage that should not be. In marriage there is no competition you two have become one. You need to realize quickly that you are of different personality different interest and different thought patterns that has become one.

Do not import the culture of your parents family into your home. Every marriage has different cultures.
Selfishness is another thing that causes argument in marriage. Marriage fail due to selfishness. Selfishness if an immature focus on yourself.

I want what I want when I want it how I want it and I don't care what you want.
You need to die to self and work on yourself so you can think of other people. Phil 2:3
For you not to be selfish you need To be humble.
Some men have ego and their word is final in their home, they forget their wife has brain. They also act as God as if they know all things. A lot of men put themselves in the position of God. 1 pet 3

Deal with people with understanding.
Sometimes you know that you wife is right but you still act as the man and still behave rudely.
Couples need to be honest and opened in their communication. Some women too can be very touchy and the men will try to package and package before they tell you somethings.
The quality of a good spouse is anticipating your spouses need before they even tell you.

Create an open communication and build trust in it. Don't condemn people for their feeling when they tell you because it  took so much courage to bring it out.
Agreement is an intentional choice you need to make to enjoy your marriage.
How do I start to work on my emotions?
How do I subject my emotions to Gods spirit?
Subject your emotions to God. To work against anything that will show up to disrupt the marriage. Proverbs 24:3-6
Wisdom builds your house, it gives you agreement. 
Pray to God for wisdom to be a good husband and a good wife. 

There is a different between uniformity and unity. In uniformity there can be diversity but unity is accepting diversity.

Don't bring your spouse down because they are different from you.
Yes you are different but how can you bring those differences together. You need to come together and agree on issues. Bring the best out of your partner. Marry someone who brings out the best in you and not the worst in you.

Love grows in an environment of agreement and peace.
God wants marriage to be in alignment with Christ and the church. In marriage when you are one you achieve your goals faster. There is disorder when there is disagreement.
If the edge is not broken the serpent will not spy. There is a spiritual part to marriage and do not take it for granted

Benefits for agreement:
* You have a better reward
* You reach a better decision
* You have good agreement
* You enjoy happiness in your home
* Our prayers become more potent and powerful. 1 pet 3:7.
* You can achieve such more than only one person can achieve.

N.B: To my Muslim readers, you might want to ignore the Bible passages or check them out yourself. Most importantly, kindly leave a comment making reference to where this topic is discussed in the Quran.

Read, enjoy, share and comment.


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